EVENT! Running Retiro Madrid

The perfect complement for runners. Many of the athletes nationwide already do it with us.

To finish your training, unload muscle, articulate and mentally with us in Calle Maldonado, 52, Barrio de Salamanca, Madrid.

Many of your colleagues already do it. Improve your brands without needing to train more, but if putting your body and mind to the point. We will be happy to meet you.

Yoga is a discipline centered around physical, mental and spiritual postures. Studies have shown that yoga nullifies stress, helps with weight loss, relieves pain, helps people adhere to an exercise routine, and even improves runtimes. The strength and flexibility developed in the carpet, that is, in the core, quads, hamstrings and hip flexors, can help you function more efficiently and stay free of injuries.

June – November 2012.

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