BYS Charity Work


From BYS © we collaborate with many social causes, we show them to you

Active charity

purchase of food for Madrid families affected by covid-19

Pequeños Pasos Fundation and Renaissance Executive Forums (contribution to purchase food for Madrid families)

contribution to the most disadvantaged of the coronavirus

Save The Children (contribution to the most disadvantaged of the coronavirus)

Past Charities

wwf (Contribution of Amazon fires)

(Contribution of Amazon fires)

Free class with which a school was built in india

Semillas de Conciencia
(Free class with which a school was built in india)

Semillas de conciencia (clase gratuita con la que se construyó una escuela en india)

Save The Children
(Contribution to the most disadvantaged of the coronavirus)

El Refugio Charity class and contribution to the animal shelter

El Refugio
(Charity class and contribution to the animal shelter)

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