Bikram Yoga Spain


Profesor Bikram Yoga, Mariam

Certified Teacher Bikram Yoga Spain ©

Human Resources Professional (Master RRHH). I like intense or extreme sports like crossfit or kitesurf, which I usually practice, and of course yoga because of its physical and mental effects.

Yoga has given me many physical, mental and emotional benefits , improving my overall wellbeing and improving my work life mainly, helping me to be more relaxed and increase my productivity while having improved my well-being by decreasing my anxiety and physical and mental exhaustion. It makes me feel a more energetic and healthy life.

I believe in it because being an activity that improves my physical and mental abilities, has helped me to develop physically, I can say that my strength and elasticity and strength in the mental part has helped me to improve my concentration , attitude and determination.

I feel connected with my body, my mind and the world around me. I have known Bikram Yoga thanks to my sister Dayana, who in the pursuit of my general well-being and knowing my work situation, which involves me working daily under high levels of stress and in a very sedentary environment, I advise you to try it, since with the little time I have free, I needed to do a single activity that works my whole body as mental. She knew that I needed to try a vigorous and challenging activity, and Bikram mentally is a challenge for me, I can frame it as an internal activity that has brought a great sense of effort and reward afloat.

The leap to being a teacher comes from the opportunity to reconcile or change my lifestyle to one that provides me with well-being and allows me to transmit the benefits of this discipline and thus be able to help many people find a better version of themselves. themselves.

Thanks Bikram Yoga Spain © for their devotion, commitment and customer experience that they offer in their centers.

Dare to seek and make the best version of yourself!


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